
ASW 13


Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub / Nov-1995 / ISBN 0-553-09974-4
Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, cloaked by the Force and riding with the hostile Sand People, have returned to the dunes of the desert planet Tatooine in hopes of finding what Luke so desperately seeks: contact with Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke is hoping the old Jedi Knight's spirit will tell him how to help his love, Callista, regain her lost ability to use the Force. Tormented and haunted, Luke cannot rest until Callista is a Jedi in the fullest sense, for only then will the link between their minds and souls be restored. Yet brewing on Tatooine is news that will shake Luke and Han and threaten everything they value.
The disturbing piece of information is that the evil Hutts, criminal warlords of the galaxy, are building a secret superweapon: a reconstruction of the original Death Star, to be named Darksaber. This planet-crushing power will be in the ruthless hands of Durga the Hutt -- a creature without conscience of mercy.
But there is worse news yet: the Empire lives. The beautiful Admiral Daala, still very much alive and more driven than ever to destroy the Jedi, has joined forces with the defeated Pellaeon, former second in command to Grand Admiral Thrawn. Together they are marshaling Imperial forces to wipe out the New Republic.
Now, as Luke, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, Artoo, and Threepio regroup to face these threats, they are joined by new Jedi Knights and Callista. Together they must fight on two fronts, outshooting and outsmarting the most formidable enemies in the galaxy. In Darksaber the Jedi are heading for the ultimate test of their power -- a test in which all the temptations of the dark side beckon. And Luke Skywalker must draw upon his innermost resources to fight for a world in which he can not only live, but dare to love.


Bantam Spectra Book / Nov-1996 / ISBN 0-553-57611-9
Acclaimed author of the Jedi Academy trilogy, Kevin J. Anderson is back with a blockbuster novel, returning to Luke Skywalker's home planet of Tatooine. "DARKSABER"
Luke returns home with Han Solo, hoping to make contact with Obi-Wan Kenobi. Instead, what they find is disturbing news: the Hutts, criminal warlords of the galaxy, are building a secret super weapon, a reconstruction of the original Death Star superlaser, to be called Darksaber. This planet crushing power will be in the ruthless hands of Durga, a creature without conscience or mercy. And there id trouble on another front: Admiral Daala is very much alive and, in league with Pellaeon, is marshaling forces to destroy the Rebels. Soon they and Luke will face the ultimate test of their power --– one in which all the temptations of the dark side of the force beckon...


Bantam Spectra Book / Nov-1996 / ISBN 0-553-40880-1
Now the epic is brought full circle, taking us back to Luke's home planet, where it all began..."Darksaber"
Luke Skywalker and Hah Solo, cloaked by the Force and riding with the hostile Sand People, have returned to the desert planet Tatooine in hopes of making contact with Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke hopes the old Jedi Knight's spirit will tell him how to help his love, Callista, regain her lost ability to use the Force. Tormented and haunted, Luke cannot rest until Callista is a Jedi in the fullest sense, for only then will the link between their minds and souls be restored. Yet brewing on Tatooine is news that will shake Luke and Hah and threaten everything they value. The evil Hutts, criminal warlords of the galaxy, are building a secret superweapon: a reconstruction of the original Death Star, to be named Darksaber. This planet-crushing power will be in the ruthless hands of Durga the Hurt -- a creature without conscience or mercy. But there is worse news yet: the Empire lives. The beautiful Admiral Daala, still very much alive and more driven than ever to destroy the Jedi, has joined forces with the defeated Pellaeon, former second in command to Grand Admiral Thrawn. In Darksaber the Jedi are heading for the ultimate test of their power -- a test in which all the temptations of the dark side beckon. And Luke Skywalker must draw upon his innermost resources to fight for a world in which he can not only live, but dare to love.

ダークセーバー (上)

KEVIN J. ANDERSON 著 / 富永 和子 訳 / 文庫版
竹書房刊 / 1997.7.23 / ISBN 4-8124-0317-0 / \590
ジェダイ・アカデミーで若きジェダイ候補生の指導にいそしむルーク・スカイウォーカーは、30年前に皇帝がジェダイ狩りのために放った全自動制御の巨大宇宙船 〈パルパタインの目〉 内で、コンピューターに取り込まれていたカリスタという女性と出会った。ジェダイの力を失っていたカリスタはルークの教え子の体を借りて甦り、力を取り戻すため、ルークと共に惑星ダゴバに赴く。 一方、シゾールを失ったブラック・サンの残党の実力者ダーガ・ザ・ハットはデス・スターの設計図を手に入れ、天才科学者ベヴェル・レメリスクに超兵器の建造を命じていた!
『ジェダイの遺児』 の直後を描く、著者入魂のSW小説の集大成!

ダークセーバー (下)

KEVIN J. ANDERSON 著 / 富永 和子 訳 / 文庫版
竹書房刊 / 1997.7.23 / ISBN 4-8124-0318-9 / \590
闇黒街の顔役ダーガ・ザ・ハットが新兵器ダークセーバーで銀河征服を目論む一方で、今はなきターキン総督に見いだされていた女策士ダーラ提督は、スローン大提督の部下、ペレオンと手を組んで残存帝国軍をまとめ上げ、帝国を再建すべく最後の大反撃に打って出た。 その攻撃目標は、ジェダイ・アカデミーのあるヤヴィン4(ヤヴィン第四惑星)! ジェダイ候補生たちは一致団結して、帝国の総攻撃を迎え撃つのだった。
人気作ジェダイ・アカデミー3部作を手がけた著者が、これまでのSW小説の全要素を盛り込んで 『ジェダイの遺児』 の直後の物語を描き上げた、待望の最新作!